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Major fx rates :
1 EUR=1.1137 USD
1 EUR=159.92 JPY
1 EUR=0.8327 GBP
1 USD=143.59 JPY
1 USD=0.8453 CHF
1 GBP=1.3375 USD
1 USD=1.3527 CAD
1 USD=1.4461 AUD
1 EUR=0.9414 CHF
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Rates on 01 October 2024 01:37 CEST

Currency pair USD United States [US dollar / $] against KRW South Korea [South Korean won]

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Latest exchange rates :
on 01 October 2024 01:37 CEST
1 USD-United States [US dollar / $]=1 316.6694 KRW-South Korea [South Korean won]
1 KRW-South Korea [South Korean won]=0.0008 USD-United States [US dollar / $]
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Since Since 2024 Since 2023 Since 2022 Since 2019 Since 2014 Since 1990 Since 1953 Candlestick chart
Cross fx rates : More options
USDUSD11 316.6694(*)1.44611.35270.84530.89790.7477143.5905
CHFCHF1.18311 557.70041.71091.600311.06220.8845169.8763
EUREUR1.11371 466.42071.61061.50650.941410.8327159.9217
GBPGBP1.33751 761.0561.93421.80921.13051.20091192.0534

(*) Example :1 USD-United States [US dollar / $]=1 316.6694 KRW-South Korea [South Korean won]

Pocket guide : More options
11 317
1.11 448
1.21 580
1.51 975
1.72 238
22 633
2.53 292
33 950
45 267
56 583
67 900
79 217
810 533
911 850
1013 167
1114 483
1215 800
1519 750
1722 383
2026 333
2532 917
3039 500
4052 667
5065 833
6079 000
7092 167
80105 334
90118 500
100131 667
110144 834
120158 000
150197 500
170223 834
200263 334
250329 167
300395 001
400526 668
500658 335
600790 002
700921 669
8001 053 335
9001 185 002
1 0000.76
1 1000.84
1 2000.91
1 5001.14
1 7001.29
2 0001.52
2 5001.9
3 0002.28
4 0003.04
5 0003.8
6 0004.56
7 0005.32
8 0006.08
9 0006.84
10 0007.59
11 0008.35
12 0009.11
15 00011.39
17 00012.91
20 00015.19
25 00018.99
30 00022.78
40 00030.38
50 00037.97
60 00045.57
70 00053.16
80 00060.76
90 00068.35
100 00075.95
110 00083.54
120 00091.14
150 000113.92
170 000129.11
200 000151.9
250 000189.87
300 000227.85
400 000303.8
500 000379.75
600 000455.7
700 000531.64
800 000607.59
900 000683.54
Changes in currency exchange rates against the euro : More options
Currencies that increase the most appear first
1 day :
XAU XAU Gold gram [Gold gram]78.892358 %
CHF CHF Switzerland [Swiss franc]16.347869 %
SGD SGD Singapore [Singapore dollar]5.510801 %
AUD AUD Australia [Australian dollar]0.439707 %
HKD HKD Hong-Kong [Hong Kong dollar]0.318201 %
GBP GBP Great-Britain [Pound sterling]0.174854 %
USD USD United States [US dollar]0.077667 %
EUR EUR Euroland [Euro]0.000000 %
CNY CNY China [Chinese yuan renminbi (RMB)]-0.182301 %
CAD CAD Canada [Canadian dollar]-2.948904 %
MXN MXN Mexico [Mexican peso]-3.247260 %
TWD TWD Taiwan [New Taiwan dollar]-4.288039 %
SEK SEK Sweden [Swedish krona]-7.877360 %
KRW KRW South Korea [South Korean won]-11.030310 %
NOK NOK Norway [Norwegian krone]-14.824383 %
INR INR India [Indian rupee]-15.268850 %
JPY JPY Japan [Japanese yen]-23.731432 %
BRL BRL Brazil [Brazilian real]-25.048444 %
ARS ARS Argentina [Argentine peso]-93.818574 %
1 year :
XAU XAU Gold gram [Gold gram]34.251080 %
GBP GBP Great-Britain [Pound sterling]3.489221 %
CHF CHF Switzerland [Swiss franc]2.436699 %
SEK SEK Sweden [Swedish krona]2.057522 %
AUD AUD Australia [Australian dollar]1.070147 %
SGD SGD Singapore [Singapore dollar]0.704225 %
EUR EUR Euroland [Euro]0.000000 %
JPY JPY Japan [Japanese yen]-1.076211 %
CNY CNY China [Chinese yuan renminbi (RMB)]-1.476226 %
KRW KRW South Korea [South Korean won]-2.984800 %
TWD TWD Taiwan [New Taiwan dollar]-3.922029 %
NOK NOK Norway [Norwegian krone]-4.343576 %
HKD HKD Hong-Kong [Hong Kong dollar]-4.571337 %
USD USD United States [US dollar]-5.376920 %
CAD CAD Canada [Canadian dollar]-5.986916 %
INR INR India [Indian rupee]-6.178781 %
BRL BRL Brazil [Brazilian real]-12.295055 %
MXN MXN Mexico [Mexican peso]-15.835009 %
ARS ARS Argentina [Argentine peso]-65.813459 %
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Enter an amount in the box field of your chosen currency and click here or another box field to see the converted amount.

Amounts can be entered with a comma or dot to separate the decimal part.
Be careful : some historic rates of minor currencies are not known a long way in the past.

USDUSD United States [US dollar / $]
KRWKRW South Korea [South Korean won]
EUREUR Euroland [Euro / €]
AUDAUD Australia [Australian dollar / $ AU]
CADCAD Canada [Canadian dollar / $ CA]
CHFCHF Switzerland [Swiss franc / F CH]
CNYCNY China [Chinese yuan renminbi (RMB) / ¥]
GBPGBP Great-Britain [Pound sterling / £]
JPYJPY Japan [Japanese yen / ¥]
NZDNZD New-Zealand [New Zealand dollar / $ NZ]
ZARZAR South Africa [South African rand / R]
This page uses last published exchange rates on 01 October 2024 01:37 CEST.
For Gold (XAU), Silver (XAG), platinum (XPT) and Palladium (XPD), rates and amounts are expressed in grams (1 ounce=31.103 g).
All official rules are used