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Major fx rates :
1 EUR=1.2819 USD
1 EUR=139.46 JPY
1 EUR=0.6859 GBP
1 USD=108.79 JPY
1 USD=1.2095 CHF
1 GBP=1.8689 USD
1 USD=1.2286 CAD
1 USD=1.3041 AUD
1 EUR=1.5505 CHF
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Rates on 16 December 2019
Links for direct conversion
If you sell something on your web site or if you talk about an amount in a currency, your visitors may want to know the equivalent amount in other currencies. The visitor only have to click on the link, this amount is converted automatically converted in other major currencies.

Example :
This item costs $ 123.45
Equivalent HTML code :
<a href="https://fxtop.com/en/currency-converter.php?C1=USD&amp;A=123.45" target="_top">$ 123.45</a>
where USD is the initial currency and 123.45 the initial amount.

Syntax of the direct link is the following :
parameters have the following meaning :
- LG is the language in 2 lowercase characters (en : English, fr : French, de : German, no : Norwegian, it : Italian, es : Spanish, pt : Portuguese, nl : Dutch, se : Swedish, fi : Finnish, dk : Danish)
- _INITIAL_CURRENCY_ (default EUR) is the initial currency in three letters ISO code (USD for US Dollar, EUR for Euro...), complete ISO code for currencies are shown on historical currency converter
- _AMOUNT_ is the amount without space nor commas, use decimal point (.) example : 123456.78
- _TARGET_CURRENCY_ (default USD) is the 3 letters ISO code of the target currency, if you want to convert amount in a special currency, result will be shown on the first line of the page.
- _BASE_ is equal to 1 (default) or 2. Use 1 when yu want to see quotations like _INITIAL_CURRENCY_ / other currencies (usually for EUR, USD and GBP), use 2 when you want to see reverse quotation other currencies / _INITIAL_CURRENCY_ (usually for minor currencies)
- _ACCURACY_ (-2 is default) is the accuracy, number of digits after the decimal point. It is used only for the first line. For example 0 for no decimal value, and 2 for 2 decimal digits. Negative value of this parameter mean that the normal accuracy of currencies must be used
Parameters after the "?" sign are all optionals

You can put as much of such links on your web site and can generate it automatically if you have many items to sell on your web site (by a javascript, PHP or ASP script or CGI-BIN)
You can also have a look on Links page about our links policy.

Fields syntax for REST web services
See our available web services here
- C1 is the initial currency in three letters ISO code (USD for US Dollar, EUR for Euro...), complete ISO code for currencies are shown on historical currency converter
- A is the original amount in C1 currency without space nor commas, use decimal point (.) example : 123456.78
- C2 is the 3 letters ISO code of the target currency, if you want to convert amount in a special currency, result will be shown on the first line of the page.
- DD is the day (2 digits from 01 to 31) when you perform conversion in the past.
- MM is the month (2 digits from 01 (January) to 12 (december)) when you perform conversion in the past.
- YYYY is the year (4 digits from 1953 to current year) when you perform conversion in the past.
- DD1 is the day (2 digits from 01 to 31) of the start date of a date range (when you retrieve chart or exchange rates over a period).
- MM1 is the month (2 digits from 01 (January) to 12 (december)) of the start date of a date range (when you retrieve chart or exchange rates over a period).
- YYYY1 is the year (4 digits from 1953 to current year) of the start date of a date range (when you retrieve chart or exchange rates over a period).
- DD2 is the day (2 digits from 01 to 31) of the end date of a date range (when you retrieve chart or exchange rates over a period).
- MM2 is the month (2 digits from 01 (January) to 12 (december)) of the end date of a date range (when you retrieve chart or exchange rates over a period).
- YYYY2 is the year (4 digits from 1953 to current year) of the end date of a date range (when you retrieve chart or exchange rates over a period).
- BASECURR is the base currency against which all exchange rates are computed. It is used for services that return list of exchanges rates for all currencies (for example in XML format)
- CLIENT is the client identifier. Please provide it if you subscribed to FXTOP service to get full access.
- PWD is the password that was generated when you subscribed, it is associated with CLIENT identifier. Please provide it if you subscribed to FXTOP service to get full access.
- SHORT messages are longer (more information) if you use SHORT=0, use SHORT=1 to only return converted amount.
- YA means "Year Average" use YA=1 to only retrieve one data per year, use YA=0 if you want to retrieve all daily data.
- MA means "Month Average" use MA=1 to only retrieve one data per year, use MA=0 if you want to retrieve all daily data.
- LANG is Language, we use 2 characters codes, supported codes are FR (French), EN (English), DE (German), IT (Italian), ES (Spanish), PT (Portuguese), NL (Dutch), SE (Swedish), FI (Finnish), NO (Norvegian), DK (Danish), JP (Japanese)
- FORMAT is output result format, supported values are CSV (Semi colon Separated for Excel), XML, SQL)
- MODE is output result format, supported values are TEXT or XML
- B is equal to 1 (default) or 2. Use 1 when you want to see quotations like C1/ C2 (usually for EUR, USD and GBP), use 2 when you want to see reverse quotation C2 / C1 (usually for minor currencies)
- P (-2 is default) is the accuracy, number of digits after the decimal point. It is used only for the first line. For example 0 for no decimal value, and 2 for 2 decimal digits. Negative value of this parameter mean that the normal accuracy of currencies must be used

Note : all fields are not used on all services.Have a look at sample forms to get used to them.

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